Author: admin
Do your eyes look tired?
My secret to looking ten years younger is the daily use of Junka Ageless Eyes.
Start you anti-aging journey today
Ultrasonic Infusion uses ultrasound vibrations to momentarily create small space in the outer layers of the skin and allows greater absorption of an applied product.
Is it too late to reverse the effects of ageing?
Microdermabrasion reduces fine lines, wrinkles and skin pigmentation. Often removing them altogether, depending on the severity of skin damage.
Sunshine, Sunblock & Skincare
It’s so important to be out in the sunshine to get your daily dose of Vitamin D for strong, healthy bones and good vibes!
Miracle skin boosters & concentrates
One of my favourite miracle products is Jyunka’s M+ fluid, it’s wonderful to hear how my clients have noticed a big difference with their skin.
The Importance of Moisturising.
With summer, just around the corner don’t let the dryness of the cold weather ruin your skin’s vitality.
Your skin loves Exfoliation
Exfoliation is incredibly important as it rids your skin of dead cells (which are constantly dying and replenishing themselves), excess oils and dirt etc.
Basic Skin Care
Looking after your skin isn’t hard and only takes a couple of minutes each day, you be amazed by the results.
Special Pelactiv Treatments
This treatment is designed to keep your skin at its optimum level. You will feel totally relaxed and your skin will glow with radiance.
LED Light Therapy
LED Light Therapy is used for rejuvenating skin through collagen stimulation, reducing the appearance of the visible signs of ageing by firming and toning.